Introduction - MABS Administrator
Mobile Agent Banking System
Mobile Agent Banking System is a complete remote collection solution that uses the flexibility and availability of mobile networks to provide field collectors with a full functionality needed to improve their productivity in the area of microfinance.
On this guide we will walk you through on how to use MABS as an Administrator.
This guide is intended for the MABS Administrators. It shows how the administrator can navigate through the platform and deal with all its features, in particular:
The "Navigation" section contains an overview of the platform and explains how to navigate through the payment application.
The "Company Management" section details about where to find the company information and change details such as: address, phone number, etc.
The "Branch Management" section explains about how to view, edit, and add branches of an organization.
The "User Management" section details about how to view and edit user profiles, to send internal messages to other user, to change user password and topup an agent account.
The "Collection Management" section goes into detail about how to search for paid bills.
The "Realtime Agent App Management" section details about how to view, edit, add new offline devices
The "Statistics" section explains how you can visualize download statistics (Collections Report, Daily Cashflow Report).
The “Bulk Payment” section explains how to perform bulk mabs cash-out payments